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On this site I am not a real wiz at updating websites so it may be a while before the forums get up and well, its going to be a crappy site for a while so sit back and go to other sites till this is a site worth going to. Now, to the point, this is a site where you discuss and read about everything starwars!!!

Hello everybody this Jedi Master Deowin Les Nirah and i am here at this site as a member and am hoping you will join me. You see, I am establishing a jedi enclave here on Earth for those who want to be close to home, or who can't afford a ship. See you around!

A reminder for all the people out there (which is 3 exactly; stay with me) you could if you wanted to, join my site. All you have to do is email at sdmahenderson@sbcglobal.net stating your jedi name ex. deowin les nirah, and ill put your name on the member boards.Completely Free of charge.

                              Coming Soon
Lightsaber Rotoscoping        Jedi Robes and recommended Patterns
Game Reviews         Create your own lightsaber activity/game

I know the greatist fads right now are star wars and harry potter (burn in hell harry potter!!!) And you guys are torn in the middle. ive been there. But first you gotta think. Harry Potter has a stupid stick and says crap and a bubbles come out. As for Star Wars you run around with this colored flashlight chopping off peoples heads i mean how cool is that? But seriously people I can understand if you just read the books every so often but, if you just read fantasize and love Harry Potter then go get mental help and get off this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!


FAST FACT: as you may or may not know Yoda in the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6th movie yoda is a model and in the second and 3rd he is computer and in 2nd and 3rd nobody ever completely moves in front of yoda.

                       JEDI COUNCIL MEMBERS
1.Deowin Les Nirah 2.Leia Solo 3.Luke Skywalker 4.Rein Claws 5.Keio Mundi 6.Siren Lors


Every month I will add a new picture to this square/box/picture page/your mom

Star Wars Episode 7.
                        Well you may think this is kinda dumb but my cousins and I are creating episode 7 the next generation. We have all these programs downloaded like adobe photoshop 8 green screen blue screen gorilla 3dsmax premier and other things being downloaded from our server. I will be putting weekly updates of how far we have gotten and the latest scene we've done and so on. We live in Houston Texas so if any of you live nearby drop by and we'll fit you guys in. Oh and when the movie is done ill try and put it on the site but as i said before im not a  real computer wiz so if you guys know how to put things on websites  email me at slayer5289@yahoo.com Later
Deowin Les Nirah

NEW ive added the journal page on the front page where the jedi here will tell whats up and the latest thing.

Hi guys well ive been really been really busy with the site and since nobodys here to help me ive been working with episode 7 pretty far and the faq section (not put up yet) and stuff for the photo gallery and the robe section is pretty much done, i dont have to do that. But i would really like it if you would email me to tell me what your name is and so you could come and work on the site then ill send you my password and DO NOT DELETE MY WORK. See you around.
Deowin Les Nirah

Fellow Jedi, I know it has been a long time since ive worked on the site but ive been really busy with episode 7 and havent had the time so im going to add the new episode 7 plot down for you, its still a rough draft and a bit confusing but itspretty straightforward, may i remind you again this is a rough draft actually partially made by us AND george lucas people no joke man, george lucas so later on i will be adding way more stuff to the section and we will be coming out with plots 8, and 9 also, but as you can tell, will be much further in hte future, idsay episode 9 release will probably 7, or 8 years from now!
Deowin Les Nirah


Made by Hayden Wyatt Henderson of Houston, Texas.